
Brian Livesey

Floor Professional

After backpacking through Europe and spending time in the Navy, Brian joined R&R Hardwood in early 2017. His passion for hardwood flooring combined with his focus and demand for perfection  insures flawless results on every project. After sanding thousands of square feet, Brian is still as much in love with hardwood as he was when he first began this journey. 

When Brian’s not running the sander, you’ll either spot him at a coin show or can catch him fishing every chance he gets.


Kenton Reichen

Floor Professional

Kenton is a highly acclaimed, hardwood flooring professional who specializes in hardwood floor refinishing and installation.

After spending his early years training in Vancouver, BC, in 2012 Kenton decided to start a hardwood floor company in Buffalo, NY. His success comes from advanced training and innovative sanding techniques, which translates into flawless results. 


Ben Ingalls


Ben joined the R&R Hardwood team on his return to Buffalo after bicycling the East coast in the summer of 2019. His knack for customer service allows customers to translate their ideas to finished projects. When not working, you can find Ben on his yoga mat.

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Troy Gertz

Floor Professional

Born and raised in Buffalo, NY, Troy is the newest addition to the R&R Hardwood team. Troy aims for perfection and is not afraid of hard work. When not working on floors, Troy is usually found restoring his truck.